Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Welcome back! I hope you have had a very enjoyable break and you and the children will enjoy what I’m sure is going to be a very busy half term. The children’s topic this half term is ‘Egypt’ and they will be finding out about Egyptian life and learn how they created the Pyramids.
Below are details of your child’s weekly routine and any other additional information which may be useful.
Children will require their P.E. kits every Wednesday and Thursday. They should leave it in school until the half term holiday. This will ensure that they don’t regularly forget their P.E. kit.
Reading Books / Homework
Reading Books – The children will change their reading books once a week. Could you please sign their reading journal to show that your child has read their reading book?
Remember, it is important you read with your child for fifteen minutes every evening.
Spellings – Children will be given a spelling list every Monday and will be tested on these spellings.
Learning log – Children will be given learning log challenges on Friday linked to the work they have been covering throughout the week. This needs to be handed in the following Wednesday, as the children will look at each others learning logs to discuss the positive features of a good learning log and vote for the weeks best one.
Please do not hesitate to see me after the school day if you have any questions or need any further information.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
Mr. Hyde
Year 3 teacher
Curriculum Overview
Spring term – first half
The topic this half term is ‘Egypt’. The children’s learning will be linked to this theme. Hopefully, they will find it exciting and enjoyable.
Narrative stories – The children will focus on stories with familiar settings.
Non-fiction – Diaries, letters , instructional text Journalistic writing. News reports,
Non-chronological reports
Poetry – The children will focus on the pattern and rhyme in the poems.
The children will be focussing on counting, partitioning and calculating, including:
- Solving problems
- Using Division
- Using Multiples
- Measures, shape and Space
- Data Handling
- Using Money
- Time
The children will also have a weekly maths test which builds on the weekly objectives and will complete a mental maths test which consolidates their learning.
Guided Reading
The children will be provided a session once a week which allows them the opportunity to develop their reading skills and comprehension.
Science: Forces and Magnets
By the end of the unit the children will be able to describe how to move objrcts, recognising that there are many ways of achieving this. They will also be able to explain why different materials are magnetic. They will suggest questions about forces and magnets to be investigated; make relevant observations and present results in bar charts and tables.
Through the half term topic the children will navigate a variety of different programs which will allow the children will learn to alter font type, size and colour for emphasis and effect. Be able to amend text and save changes, and combine text and graphics.
The children will find out more about our school environment and its locality. They will explore how to create maps, collecting data and record information using graphs. They will also investigate the environment and how think about how we can improve it.
The children will be exploring Egyptian communities, looking at Egyptian life and comparing with our lives today. We will also look at the creation of the Pyramids.
The children will be drawing and painting Egyptian masks. They will explore a wide range of materials and techniques, learning how to use colour, line, shapes and texture to create their own images of Egypt. They will also discuss images from photographs and hieroglyphics.
The children will be taught Invasion games by the sports coach every Thursday in which they will learn how to outwit opponents and score when playing games. Develop skills in finding and using space to keep the ball. Play with the same basic court set-up and rules. Use a range of equipment and skills, including throwing, catching, kicking and striking skills. Think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.
They will also have a multi-skills session every Wednesday which will be delivered by myself, this session is to allow the children to explore different ways of using their body, balance, spatial awareness and stamina to complete a variety of different sporting games and physical activities, and learn the importance of living a health lifestyle and the positive impacts it has on their bodies.