Wednesday 29th April
Reading Activities - Goodnight Mister Tom (Chapter 5 - Chamberlain Announces). Please listen to the chapter and tick to the box to prove you have listened to them. The Literacy activity links into this chapter so please listen carefully. Make notes if you have to about what happens in the chapter.
Maths Activity - MNP Area and Perimeter Lesson 2 (Finding the Perimeter). This will be on Seesaw. Please watch the lesson video and guidance video (if needed) before completing the worksheet. This lesson is looking at drawing and measuring shapes that have the same perimeter. It will involve whole and decimal numbers.
Link to the lesson -
Link to the guidance video for worksheet -
Literacy Activity - I would like you to listen to the chapter, make notes on it so you can plan and write a story extract on the chapter telling and summarising it in your own words. This will be a piece of writing so will be a lengthy activity compared to others. I would like 100% effort into it please. You can do it in your blue book and upload a picture, you could type it on seesaw putting the paragraphs on separate pages, you could use purple mash (please tell me if you do) or word process it on a laptop, screenshot it and upload the picture. Your choice.
I've uploaded some examples of Year 5 work from previous years so you can read through them for good ideas (magpie). I've also attached a planning example too so you can see what I expect. Good luck.