12th May 2020
Today i would like you to start learning your Phase 2 phonics. We are going to begin with the letter 'S'. We are going to learn the grapheme this is the name of the letter and the phoneme this is the sound the letter makes. Please watch the video below of Miss Birks and then the You Tube Video.
Today i would like you to begin by putting your number cards in order from 0-10. See how quickly you can do it. Next i want you to think about patterns again. I would like you to make me some repeating patterns. You can make the patterns anyway you like e.g. drawing/ potato printing/using objects. You can begin with a simple pattern e.g. red, blue, red, blue, red, blue. If you can do that easily why not challenge yourself to a more complicated pattern e.g. red, blue, pink, red, blue, pink, red, blue, pink or green, green, red, red, green, green, red, red.
Please look at the picture below.
Today i would like you to listen to the story of the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' and i would like to know what happens to the caterpillar?
Can you make your own caterpillar by using an egg box? Please see the picture below.
Phonics letter 'S'

Repeating Patterns
Egg Box Caterpillar
You and Me Little Bear Part One

You and Me Little Bear Part Two

You and Me Little Bear Part Three

You and Me Little Bear Part Four

You and Me Little Bear Part Five

You and Me Little Bear Part Six

You and Me Little Bear Part Seven

You and Me Little Bear Part Eight