Welcome to Reception class page
The staff working in Reception this year are Mrs Butler, Mrs Gorrill and Mrs Ajmal.
We share a resource area and work closely with Mrs Ellis, Mrs Baig and Miss Chalice who work next door in YR1E. Feel free to speak to any member of staff when you bring your child in in the morning.
There are 35 children in Reception this year and we all work, play and learn together.
PE day is Monday. All children need a PE kit in school. PE kits can be taken home during half term to be washed.
Learning Log homework is given out on a Friday to be completed and returned the following Thursday.
Two reading books will be given out on a Friday. Please share these books with your child and bring them back the following Thursday to be changed.
Tricky words we are learning to read and spell are:
he she we me be they was are all you was her