Welcome to Reception B
Unfortunately we begin the Spring Term learning from home. We have a small number of children working in school who are children of critical workers.
The rest of Reception will be learning online through Class Dojo which you are all familiar with now.
The government have said that we will be learning from home until 8th March for now and then we will await an update.
Thank you to all parents who have signed up to Class Dojo. You can access your daily learning through the app on phones and tablets or through your laptops. Any problems please ring school on 0161 764 7565 or contact staff through class dojo.
Reception staff will be phoning families weekly to check that you are all ok. It would be lovely to speak to the children each week as we miss them.
Online Learning Timetable
We think that it's good for the children to have a learning routine at home as they would do if they were in school so at home if you could follow the routine below, accessing the teaching sessions and activities through class dojo that would be brilliant.
We will write a weekly 'menu of activities' for you to choose from. These activities can be accessed at a time to suit you. This will be displayed on dojo and will link to our Curriculum Overview 2020 2021 which you can find below.
9.15 Phonics - The children are working on phase 3 and we follow the Letters and Sounds programme
Watch the teaching session and then engage with the activities sent. Send work back to teachers when completed.
Phonics Play log in
username: jan21 password: home
10.30 Physical Development (mid morning) Tune in to Mr Hyde's Wake Up Shake Up or take some exercise outdoors of your own choosing
One to one reading between parent and child - you will be directed to a book form the ebooks on Oxford Owl website for children to read to adults and then for an adult to read to children.
Log in: username Mrsbutlerclass password: reading
11.00 Maths - We are following the White Rose Hub Home Learning planning. We are currently finishing 'Alive in 5!' where we have learnt about comparing numbers to 5, composition of numbers to 5 and learning the language of more and fewer. Next week we begin the next topic called Growing 6, 7, 8! Watch the teaching video and then access the activities. Send your work back to the teachers please.
We will continue to deliver our EYFS Geography, History, Science and RE curriculum through quality texts.
Midday PE Challenge Join Miss Greenhalgh at 12pm for fun challenges to keep you active!
pm - Storytime - Teachers will read stories for you to enjoy and suggest some activities that you could do linked to the story.
Select activities to do from the weekly menu
Cosmic Kids Yoga Session - we will post suggestions or choose your own from the Youtube site. This is a good end to your school day as you can relax, stretch and unwind.
A bedtime story will be posted late afternoon
The children in school will be following a very similar timetable so that there is consistency between home and school learning.