Friday, 19th June
I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing weekend.
Take care and enjoy!
Mrs T
Here are today's tasks...
Warm up
Look at the power point attached below and take the mental maths quiz based on our recent learning about money.
Main session
It's Arithmetic Friday.
It's really important that we continue to focus on basic arithmetic. This is about being able to work out the answers to sums fairly quickly which we do by learning number bonds and our multiplication facts and by spotting patterns.
Our reviews will cover all operations along with fractions. The review gets harder as you progress through it. Remember to use your written methods/drawings to help you answer the questions, you won't be able to do them all mentally (mainly the last few).
You don't have to print the sheet off, you can always just do your working out and write the answers down on a separate piece of paper.
The sheet says 30 minutes but please do not worry if it takes you a little longer. You will get quicker the more you practice. As I always tell you in class, if you get stuck on one move to the next one and come back to it at the end.
Good luck!
Today for comprehension, I would like you to look at the image which I have given you. Look carefully at this and try to think about what sorts of things this is showing you. People often say, "A picture paints a thousand words". This is very true, as by looking at something you can get lots of clues about what people are thinking. Use your VIPERS skills to help you answer the questions.
The sheet is attached below. You don't need to print it out. Either write the answers out or discuss them with an adult or older brother or sister.
We are going to spend our next few sessions focusing on African art. Today we will look at patters. This will be our task for today and Monday.
Look at the power point attached below to learn more about African patterns. I would then like you to create you own pattern. I have attached some templates in case you want to choose one from there. You could print one out, copy it to use, or create one of your own. Then take your time to colour it in. Remember, you have today and Monday to complete this task so there is no need to rush.