Thursday 11th June
Reading Activities - How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. Today is Chapter 9 - Fear, Vanity, Revenge and Silly Jokes. Please listen to the chapter and tick to the box to prove you have listened to them.
Link to Chapter -
Maths Activity - MNP Measurements Lesson 9 - This lesson involves converting units of time. We are focusing today on converting years into years and months, then just months. Remember that 12 months = 1 year so we will be using our 12 times table predominantly.
Link to lesson -
Link to Guidance video -
Literacy Activity - For this activity, I would like you to summarise each of the methods that Hiccup used to try and get Toothless to listen to him. Some of them failed whilst only one of them was successful. It is up to you how you present each method. You could do it in the following ways:
1. As a conversation between the two characters
2. As a summarising paragraph
3. As a comic strip using following link -
Please do this for each of the methods: Greed, Vanity(where you love yourself too much - narcissism), Revenge, and Silly Jokes. You can mix and match the ways you present your work. For example, you may do a comic strip/storyboard for one, and summarising paragraph for another, and 2 conversation for the remaining two.