What has Dicky been up to?
Wednesday 6th May
Hello there hope you are all ok. Please see Class Dojo for this weeks VE Day activities and a reading challenge! Hope you are all well.
We will await Boris Johnson advising us on what will be happening with schools on Sunday. Please keep sending me things on class dojo. I love seeing what you are doing
Monday 20th April
Hello and welcome to the summer term. It's not quite as we imagined it would be but let's make the best of it!
Phonics play can now be accessed on ipads and phones. The link is https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk and the username and password remain the same. Username: march20 password: home
Go on phonics play and play the phase 4 games. Remember phase 4 is when we look at the tricky consonat clusters like br tr sl dr str at the beginning of words or st nt at the end of words.
Daily activities for you to do:
- recognise and read all phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs
- read and spell words with these digraphs and trigraphs in them
- practise reading and spelling tricky words every day
- order numbers to 20 - ask an adult to set a challenge eg 'Can you order numbers from 8 to 18' or 'can you order numbers from 19 to 6'
add and subtract using objects around your house
Access the online reading books (link on class dojo and below) and read a book every single day. Can you spot those hidden digraphs!?
I would love to see how you are getting on so send me a picture or a message on dojo.
These websites are really good and will keep you busy.
I am still reading daily stories on class dojo and will continue to ask you to vote for your favourite. I will be setting phonics and maths tasks on class dojo too.
This is a lovely Early Years site which has now got a designated 'home learning' section. Follow this link for '50 things to do whilst at home' there are some great ideas which are simple to do. send me a picture or a video on class dojo when you have completed an activity.I'd love to see what you are up to!
This website has some practical maths ideas which are specifically for Early Years. There are links to other age groups on there too.
This website has a weekly maths focus and are based around a text which you don't need to buy as it is read on screen for you. Take part in the activities and send me what you have done.
Hope you are all well and I am missing you all very much. Please sign up to class dojo to vote on what you would like for story time later.
Home Learning
We recently sent home a pack for your child so please complete work which is in your pack but below are some additional websites that will help with your child's learning.
Phonics play is a great resource that we use in school every day. You can practice your sounds with your children and also play some reading games. They are offering this as a free resource
Username:march20 Password:home
Please note these resources are not available using a Ipad or a tablet.
Alphablocks is a great programme you can watch with your child to encourage them to use their phonics.
Reading with your child every day is very important. We have sent home some books from school for your child to read. You could also get books from the library and supermarkets but also you can ask your child to read things around the house or if you are out and about. Please also ask your child questions about what they have read.
https://sooperbooks.com/ Free online books you can read with your child.
Please make sure you count with your child every day by counting forwards and backwards in ones. add and subtract single digit numbers and find one more and one less than a given number.
Numberblocks is a great program you can watch with your child to encourage them to add and subtract and even to double and half numbers.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk is a good website with lots of age related activities that the children will enjoy.
Purple mash
Reception children have not used Purple Mash in school but have been given a log in on the learning pack that went home on Friday. You can access the 'Mini mash' section which is for children in the Early Years.
Other useful websites that you might want to look at:
www.twinkl.co.uk/offer Use the password to access free resources. PASSWORD: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS
https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga - children follow a story which includes yoga poses throughout.
Look after yourself and your family and we look forward to seeing you back in school.
Our Class
Hello and welcome to Reception B!
The staff working in Reception B are Mrs Butler, Mrs Gorrill, Mrs Baig and Mrs Ali
We have an open door policy as we love to see parents and chat about children's learning and interests.
Wake Up Shake Up is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.50am
Come and visit our lending library every morning. You can take a story book and share it at home with your child then bring it back and swap it.
We change reading books each week. Your child will receive two books every Friday to read over the following week.
We set a simple homework challenge every Friday in a Learning Log book. This needs to be returned on the following Thursday.
PE takes place on Monday afternoon. A coach comes in and teaches the children a variety of skills across the year including dance, netball, tennis and athletics.
Keep looking at the website for important dates:
Wednesday 22nd January - Phonics/reading training for parents 9.15am in the Reception classroom
Friday 24th January - Stay and Read! 9.15 am. Parents are invited to come and share a phonically decodable book with their child. The Reception staff will be there to help you.
Friday 14th February - Finish for half term
Friday 3rd March - Finish for Easter 2pm
Friday 24th January
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the parents who came to our Early Reading and Phonics training session and then came to the Stay and Read this morning.
Early Reading and Phonics Training for Parents 23/1/20
Stay and Read 24/1/20
Parents were invited to training on how to help their child decode words and begin to read sentences. We introduced our phonetic reading scheme and invited parents in the next day to share a decodable book with their child. The Reception staff were there to support if necessary!
We had a great morning!
'I loved reading with Aryan' Aryan's dad
'Zainab is helping me learn phonics at home! Thank you everyone' Zainab's mum
'The session was really helpful. Ayaan taught me different sounds' Mum
'It was a really good idea...I really appreciate it' Aadam's mum
We really enjoyed it and we learned so much. We learned how to teach our child' Umair's mum
'I enjoyed it today with my Aroosa. I feel like a student' Dad
'This was a beautiful experience. I really enjoyed it and will remember it all my life!' Ahmed's dad