4th May 2020
For your phonics today please can you think about the initial sounds of these words that your Mummy or Daddy are going to tell you and using the salt writing we did the other day i would like you to write the initial letter in the salt. The words i want you to think about for the initial sounds are lamb, puppy, kitten, calf, duckling, cub, and foal.
For your maths i would like you to begin with your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10. Then i would like you to play missing number. To do this you need to put your number cards in order, then close your eyes. Your Mummy or Daddy will then take one number away. You need to open your eyes when they tell you and work out which number is missing. Good Luck!
For your activity today i would like you to do a big job for me. My chickens: Coco, Cuckcoo and Beauty would like something to play with in their chicken coop. So i would like you to design me something that i can build for them. This could be a swing or a slide or a different idea that you might think they would like to play on. You can ask your Mummy or Daddy to help you have a look on the internet for ideas. Please post your designs on the class dojo.
For your story today please follow the link to Espresso Discovery below.