Welcome to Year 4!
This year we shall be using the Learning Challenge Curriculum and we are excited about the opportunities this will bring. Visit our class page regularly as it will be continually updated with planning documents, links to aid learning and photos of our work. Take a look at our planning documents to find out more.
- Maths homework will be set on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Friday.
- Spellings homework will be set on a Monday and are to be returned/tested the following Monday.
- Learning Log Grid for Summer 1 can be found below. Children are to complete at least 1 task from each row across the half term. Learning Logs to be in each Friday to share ideas and work completed across different tasks.
PE takes place every Wednesday and Thursday and on Fridays as part of Golden Time. Please ensure PE kits are left in school.
Reading books will be changed every Monday. Please ensure that books and signed reading diaries are in school each Monday.
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school to ensure that they have access to water during lesson times.
We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day.
Mrs Taylor, Miss Turner and Mrs Khan
Curriculum Overview
Summer 2 Medium Term Planning
Summer 1 Medium Term Plan
Spring 2 Medium Term Plan
Spring 1 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan
Autumn Y4 Welcome letter
Electricity Power sources
Snappy Maths Games and worksheets covering all areas of maths
Dance Mat Typing Learn to type on a keyboard