Welcome to Year 2T
Summer Term
Welcome back to Summer 2- how did that happen?!
I hope you are all well and are looking forward to continuing your home learning activities!
I love seeing the fantastic work that you do, you all make me very proud. I will continue to set work on here and Class Dojo along with Purple Mash. Remember you can save work into your Portfolio on Class Dojo or save work directly on Purple Mash (when it has been set on there). I love seeing all your great efforts. This half term I won't be re-setting Dojo points each week. They will build over the half term and when you reach 50 points you will receive a certificate. Can you then keep going and get to 100 for another. Good luck!
I am looking forward to catching up with you all during my weekly phone call.
Please click on the links below to access work and useful links for the summer term.
Useful website links for subjects
Timetable for guidance- home learning Y2T
Additional useful home learning websites.
We recently sent home a pack for your child so please complete work which is in your pack but below are some additional websites that will help with your child's learning.
Phonics play is a great resource that we use in school every day. You can recap your sounds and tricky words with your children and also play some phase 6 games. They are offering this as a free resource
Username:march20 Password:home
Please note these resources are not available using a Ipad or a tablet.
Reading with your child every day is very important. We have sent home some books from school for your child to read. You could also get books from the library and supermarkets but also you can ask your child to read things around the house or if you are out and about. Please also ask your child questions about what they have read.
Why not add the books your child has read to your reading diary to keep a list.
https://sooperbooks.com/ Free online books you can read with your child.
Please keep practising number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 along with addition and subtraction sums.
Use the resources below also to support learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and division facts.
Some more resources that we use in class which the children enjoy.
https://ttrockstars.com All children have their own login for this which for most is inside their reading diaries.
Purple Mash
Your child has started using Purple mash within school. Your child will have a username and password in their homework diary. Please encourage your child to log in to their own account on purple mash as this is one of the skills we have been learning in class.
Take time and explore it. Purple Mash covers all areas of the curriculum.
I will set 2Do's which are tasks set for the children to access over the coming weeks.
Use the link below to go straight to the school portal. This can be accessed on a laptop and iPad.
Other useful websites that you might want to look at:
www.twinkl.co.uk/offer Use the password to access free resources. PASSWORD: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS
http://www.pobble365.com/ Has great prompts for reading and writing.
Look after yourself and your family and we look forward to seeing you back in school.
Children's mental health week
Safer Internet Day 2020
We had lots of fun learning how to stay safe online as part of Safer Internet Day- #Freetobeme
We created images all about us, our hobbies, family, school, favourite food etc and then discussed what we should and shouldn't share online.