Tuesday 28th April
9:00am - 9:30am - Exercise time
https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 - Joe Wicks LIVE 9am
https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/videos - Kids Yoga
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YBT7HYqCbbvzu3kKZ3wnw - Go Noodle videos
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Week 2 Lesson 2 - Ratio and proportion problems
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
Worksheet and answer sheets are below:
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
- NEWSROUND LINK https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround
- JUST DANCE LINK https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=JUST+DANCE+VIDEOS
11:00pm - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Watch All hail, Macbeth! Thane of Cawdor and complete comprehension
You will need to click on the following link to access the lesson resources.
Your first task is to watch the video (All hail, Macbeth! Thane of Cawdor) and take notes about what is happening, as this will help you complete your comprehension.
After you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the comprehension questions below.
Activity 2: Sequence the events
Using the document below, I would like you to order the events so far. Challenge yourself first before using your own notes to help you.
Activity 3: Character analysis
Your next activity is to think about some of the characters, which we have met so far in the story. I would like you to mindmap: their characteristics, desires, ambitions and fears. I would like to see a minimum of 2 different characters. You will need to draw an outline for your characters or you can use the ones provided below.
As an example, for Macbeth:
- He is loyal to his wife, Lady Macbeth.
- He is determined to move up the ranks.
- He is anxious about the witches' predictions.
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
1:15pm - 2:30pm FOUNDATION - GEOGRAPHY
Last week, we started looking at European flags and their capital cities. This week for your geography focus, I would like you to do some map work. Below, I have attached you a blank map of Europe. I would like you to locate where the capital cities are correctly. Ideally, it would be useful for you to print this off but if you can't, please do not worry. I will attach a version, which you can complete, as well. You will need to look at a map of Europe to help you, I will attach a link to help you access this if you have not got one at home.
Capital cities of Europe
- Oslo, Reykjavik, Belfast, Dublin, Lisbon, Madrid, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Vilinius, Copenhagen, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Minsk, Brussels, Warsaw, Prague, Paris, Bern, Bratislava, Kiev, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Podgorica, Rome, Tirana, Skopje, Sofia
Can you find them all on the map?
2:30pm - 3:00pm TTRS
You can have some time on TTRS to end the day. On Friday at 2:30pm, there will be another battle against 6J! I want us to win again and for more of us to be a part of it. Get practising for the battle 6T! If you have not got your username and password, I will message you it on ClassDojo.