Welcome back! I hope you have had a very enjoyable half term break and you and the children are ready for what I’m sure is going to be a very busy final half term. The children’s topic this half term is ‘All about Animals’. They will be finding out about lots of different animals around the world and in the local environment. We will also be reading Julia Donaldson books, many of which have an animal theme.
Please have a look at the topic web for Summer 2 to find out more about what else we will be doing this half term.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to see me after the school day. Thank you for your anticipated support.
Mrs Ellis
Year 1 teacher
Recent Events
Thank you to everybody who came to watch the children perform in the Mela. The children performed really well and I was really proud of them. A big thank you to Mr Hyde and Miss Chalice who helped them to get ready for their dance. See the picture of them all dressed up in the gallery.
Wellybobs Farm - Wednesday, 2nd July 2014
The children had a fantastic time at Wellybobs farm. They saw lots of different animals and had the opportunity to feed some of them. They all had a short horse ride and they all enjoyed it. See some of the pictures in the gallery.