Friday, 12th June
Hi, it's Friday!
Today we will continue with arithmetic Friday. I have also given you some maths puzzles to get you warmed up.
There is a video and some games on contractions if you feel you want to review your learning.
In literacy you will continue you letter from yesterday.
Finally, I have set a music task on Purple Mash- get composing!
I am in school each Friday so I will now share this weeks Star of the Week on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs T
Here are today's tasks...
If you are still a little unsure about using contractions correctly please watch this video.
You can then play the contractions game on Small Town Superheroes and the fill in the gap game (Activities 1 & 2). You don't need to do Activity 3.
You did so well last week so for our warm up today I would like you to try some more problem solving.
Main session
It's Arithmetic Friday.
It's really important that we continue to focus on basic arithmetic. This is about being able to work out the answers to sums fairly quickly which we do by learning number bonds and our multiplication facts and by spotting patterns.
Our reviews will cover all operations along with fractions. The review gets harder as you progress through it. Remember to use your written methods/drawings to help you answer the questions, you won't be able to do them all mentally (mainly the last few).
You don't have to print the sheet off, you can always just do your working out and write the answers down on a separate piece of paper.
The sheet says 30 minutes but please do not worry if it takes you a little longer. You will get quicker the more you practice. As I always tell you in class, if you get stuck on one move to the next one and come back to it at the end.
Good luck!
We are continuing the same literacy work from yesterday.
We have been sent this letter from Bury Council about sending letters or postcards to people who may be lonely or self isolating to bring a smile to their face. I thought this would be a lovely idea as it can't be nice for these people and I am sure it will really cheer them up.
You may want to plan what to write today and write it tomorrow. You could also draw a picture (but not of yourself), maybe a rainbow. You can write it in the style of a letter or postcard. I have attached some postcard templates below which may be useful. You could write on one side and draw on the other. If you write a letter you could write it and add a drawing at the bottom.
Please take a picture of your finished letter/postcard as I would love to see them. Details of where to take/send them are included below.
Posting Positivity - Guidance for writing your letter
Bury Youth Cabinet together with Bury Grammar school are inviting children and young people to write letters to people in our communities that are isolated during the covid-19 pandemic. The idea is that we can help people to feel less alone in these strange times.
We have some guidelines for your letters:
- Address your letter “Dear Friend”
- Sign your letter with your first name and age if you wish but please DO NOT include your surname, address or school. We don’t want people that you don’t know being able to contact you.
- You may wish to talk about things you have been doing in lockdown or could include a drawing or poem.
- You may wish to remind the person you are writing to that they are not alone and you are thinking of them at this difficult time.
- Please make sure that you do not include any personal information about specific clubs that you belong to or other personal details.
- Once you have written your letter pop it in an envelope and you can post it in one of our boxes at Tesco Prestwich, Tesco Bury or Tesco Ramsbottom.
- If you are unable to drop your letter at Tesco you can take a photograph of it and email it to
All letters will be collected and vetted by staff at Bury Council before being delivered to people who are isolated and would like to receive them both in residential care homes and those living on their own. Any letters that contain personal information or any inappropriate content will not be used.
Lets make some music! Go to Purple Mash and get creative.
Go on to the 2Do for Busy Beats and then choose your beat and get creative. There are some help videos if you need them. Remember to save your finished piece. I have set this open for 1 week so if you enjoy it you can keep composing.