Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Summer Term 2018
Important dates
4th June class photo
18th June daily swimming lessons start
22nd June Eid assembly and party
2nd July music week
4th July end of year trip
9th July sports day
16th July Y6 play
17th July talent show
Please look at our photographs of our recent events.
Heart Start visit
Fire Service Presentation
Crucial Crew
Year 6 homework
Grammar and punctuation homework is set every Monday to be completed by the following Monday.
Maths homework is set every Wednesday to be returned the following Wednesday.
Spellings are sent home every Thursday to be learnt by the following Thursday.
Learning Log homework is set every term.
Every child in Year 6 spends at least one session every week in the library. The children have the opportunity during this time to change their book and enjoy some quiet reading time.
Booster classes take place every Monday after school.
Staying healthy in school
Please ensure that you have a water bottle in school every day. Year 6 aim to run or walk one mile every day whilst in school so staying hydrated is very important.