I hope you had an enjoyable half term break. We have a very busy last half term ahead with lots of exciting activities planned.
In literacy we have an author coming to visit, David Gatward. We will also be looking at stories that involve issues and dilemmas and stories from other cultures. In science we will continue our topic is 'Animals including humans' where we will be focusing on animal food chains and will continue this theme with 'Living things and their habitats'. In history we will continue to learn about the Romans; how they lived, life in the army and what they did for us along with investigating fair trade in geography.
Below are links to useful websites that will help your child explore and learn about a variety of topics that we will be looking at. Also throughout the year we will be putting on termly planning and topic webs for you to see exactly what the children will be learning about. This page will be updated regularly with pictures and information about our work.
Key Information
> Please ensure that PE kits are always in school. We have a P.E lesson every Thursday and the children take part in sports activities every Friday as part of Golden Time (weather permitting).
> Spellings and My Maths are given out/set on a Tuesday and are due the following Tuesday.
> Learning Logs challenges will be set every Friday and are to be returned the following Thursday.
> Reading books need to be in school every Monday to be changed. Please sign their records to show they have read them.
> Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to see me after the school day.
Mrs Taylor, Miss Luttrell, Mrs Baig and Mrs Attique.