Thursday, 2nd July
Practice doubling on Hit the Button.
Main session
Today we will continue our shape work with a focus on patterns using 2D and 3D shapes.
Watch the videos on the BBC Bitesize website. You don't need to do the work sheets on it as I have attached work to be completed below.
Now watch this video.
If you need to you can refer back to the key information sheets on shape in Y2 on Monday's page.
Afterwards I would like you to try the sheet attached below and check your work against the answers.
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
If your child finds the White Rose sheet fairly easy I have also attached an additional problem solving activity. As that suggests the questions are more tricky, take time and are to extend learning further. They get more difficult as you work through them. The answers are also provided to support you to review the work.
Lets finish our letter today. Yesterday you wrote two more paragraphs on hobbies and likes and dislikes at school. Today we will complete our final paragraph which is what you are looking forward to in Y3 and questions you have for your new teacher and then signing off our letter.
I would also like you to draw a picture to go with your letter. It could be of you and your family or the hobbies and subjects that you like- anything as long as it links to your letter.
Remember, you don't need to start a new sheet, just add to your existing letter.
The future- Y3:
I want you to write about what you are looking forward to and any questions you may have.
I am really looking forward to starting Year 3 and being in the Juniors because I will get to go on a new playground. I know that we also get to learn French which seems fun. I have some questions that I would like to ask: What are our topics in our new class? Do we get to go swimming?
I hope you have a lovely and relaxing summer.
Bye until September,
After you have written your last paragraph and signed off (See you soon, Lucy... etc) you can then draw a picture to go with your letter.
Make sure you add your final letter and picture to Dojo so that I can send them to your new teacher.
Who was William Shakespeare?
This is William Shakespeare.
He is one of the most famous writers in the world.
He wrote plays over 400 years ago, but people still go to theatres to see them performed.
Discover more about his life in the clip below.
If you really like Horrible Histories, like me, watch their special on William Shakespeare.
Now have a go at the activities.
>Activity 1
Put the events in order
>Activity 2
Word search (if you have a printer) OR create a mind map/write a few sentences to show what you know about Shakespeare.