Thursday 2nd April 2020
Reading Task - Chapters 3 and 4 of Evacuee. These are on Seesaw. They are only short so some independent reading would be nice.
Maths Activity - There is no teaching of maths today. Rather it is a bunch of reasoning questions for the children to attempt to give me an idea of activities to do after the Easter Holidays. This is on Seesaw.
Literacy Activity - Writing a Cinquain Poem. Watch the video via the following link on how to write a cinquain. Write one about being in lockdown and one about something they enjoy. This is on Seesaw.
Link for teaching video -
Geography Project - I would like the children to pick one of the 50 States of USA and do a little bit of a project on it. There will be a template for the children to use but I want the children to be creative. All the information provided on the template needs to be answered. The children could create a model, poster, objects or use Seesaw to produce their project. I do not expect this to be completed in a day so the children can have time to do this. Have a look at some pictures below for inspiration.