Year 1
Hello and Welcome to Year 1
The staff working in Y1A this year are Mrs Hussain, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Ismail.
The staff in Y1B this year are Miss Logue and Mrs Shaine
We are excited to welcome you back to our Spring term! An overview of learning this term can be found in the Spring Medium Term plan below.
Changing reading books
School / phonics based reading book – changed every Friday (in year 1A)
Children in year 1B have their own individual label that states which day they need to change their book.
Children’s choice / Library book – will be changed every Monday (in year 1A) and on a Friday in year 1B.
The books must be brought back on the correct day to make sure there is time to change them.
Spellings will be given via Parent Hub each week.
It is important that the children try and use their phonic sounds to segment these words. Even if the word is not spelt correctly but they have used their phonics, that is fine. For example, if the children were spelling play, they may spell it like this, plai.
Please could your child also write a sentence using one of the words above.
When completed, children can bring them into school for a teacher to look at.
Parent Hub
We use Parent Hub to keep parents up to date with any key information and to show parents what we have been doing in Year 1. It is essential parents are signed up to Parent Hub in order to keep up to date with information from the classroom.
Curriculum Overview for this half term
Please see the document below to find out what we are learning this half term in Year 1. This shows what we are learning in each subject.