Friday 5th June
Reading Activities - How to Train Your Dragon - Chapter 5 - A Chat With Old Wrinkly. Please listen to the chapter and tick to the box to prove you have listened to them.
Link to Chapter -
Maths Activity - MNP Measurements - Lesson 5. Today we are converting units of mass (kilograms to grams and grams to kilograms). This lesson involves dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. Use the conversion scales to help work out your answers.
Link to the lesson -
Link to the Guidance -
Literacy Activity - For today's activity, I would like you to write a descriptive piece. Imagine you went into the Dragon Nursery and picked your own dragon. How would you describe it to others who haven't seen it. Think about the way it moves, how it sounds, how the body parts move, etc. I've provided some example of expanded noun phrases to use (very basic as I know you can do better), some questions to inspire you, and a basic example (again I know you can do better). You can create and design your own dragon if you wish or you can base it off one of the dragons in the picture on the 4th page. It is entirely up to you.
Spelling Test - Listen to each word on the individual pages on the seesaw document. Write each word on the correct page. If you cannot hear the audio, please do the test on paper and upload a photo so I can see your spellings and scores.