Friday 22nd May
Reading Activities - Goodnight Mister Tom (Chapter 21 -Back to School). Please listen to the chapter and tick to the box to prove you have listened to them.
Link to Chapter -
Maths Activity - Revision of Fractions. All areas of fractions have been taught in school so try your best.
Literacy Activity - As we are two chapters away from finishing this awesome story, I would like you to write a book review. I have put a bunch of questions on Seesaw to help steer your book review piece of writing into the right direction. Make sure to include these to write an honest review that may make other children want to pick the book up and read.
Spelling Test - This is on Seesaw. Listen to each word's audio on the separate pages and write/type it. Do this for all ten words and submit spellings. If you cannot hear the audio, please hand-write them and upload a picture of your spellings so I can see.