Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page! We are nearly at the end of the year and only have one more half term to go.
This half term we will starting a new learning challenge entitled 'Has Greece always been in the News?' focusing on holidays, climate, the Ancient Greeks, Greek Gods, architecture and objects.
Our Focus questions are:
Geography- Has Greece always been in the news?
Science- How can Usain Bolt move so quickly?
- PE will take place every Wednesday and Thursday so please keep PE kits in school.
- Homework Grids will be set on a half-termly basis. You will need to complete 1 piece of work from each row and bring it into school by the end of half term.
- Spellings will be set on a Tuesday and are to be learned and tested on the following Tuesday.
If your child does not already have a water bottle in school, please can your child bring one into school so they can have access to water during lesson times.
Please look at our class page regularly as it will be updated with planning overviews, what your child is getting up to in lessons and links to aid learning at home. We are looking forward to sharing and celebrating our learning journey with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to us at the end of the school day.
Mr. Lawson, Mrs. Ali, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Stroud