Thursday 4th June
9:00am - 9:30am - Exercise time - Joe Wicks LIVE 9am - Kids Yoga - Go Noodle videos
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Summer term week 5 lesson 3 - Divide decimals by integers
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
The worksheets will no longer be posted on the website due to copyright reasons. The worksheet for today's lesson is on Class Dojo for you to complete.
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
11:00am - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Read 'Jack's Tale' by Judith Nicholls
Today, your first activity is to read 'Jack's Tale' by Judith Nicholls and look at the questions you have been asked. Using bullet points, I want you to answer each of the questions after reading the poem.
Activity 2: Watch Michael Rosen's top tips about performing poems and stories
In preparation for activity 3, you need to watch Michael Rosen's video about how to successfully perform poetry. You may want to take some notes on the table provided to help you.
Activity 3: Read and perform
The next thing you need to do is read 'Jack and the Beanstalk' by Roald Dahl. Once you have read the extract, you need to decide between performing the poem or the story extract. It may be useful to think about which one you preferred to read and consider your tips by Michael Rosen. Which one will be more interesting to perform? Which one can you make engaging to read?
Once you have decided which piece of writing you would like to perform, I would like you to record yourself or get an adult to record your performance. I would like to see your performances so can you please attach them to your Class Dojo portfolio. If you are unsure how to do this, look at the help sheet below.
Why don't you get your parents, brother, sister or another person in your house to evaluate your performance? There is an evaluation sheet for them to fill in.
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
1:15pm - 2:30pm FOUNDATION - PSHCE
Transitioning to high school preparation
Today, you are going to start thinking about moving up to your chosen high school. It can seem scary or exciting, but you are all ready for it! I have seen you grow since you started year 6 in September and I can't wait for you to experience high school. It is honestly amazing and you will really enjoy it. Today, I want you to watch the 2 videos on the link above. They talk to you about a typical day in high school and top tips for high school.
I would like you to make a list of questions that you have about high school. It may be useful for the whole class to hear what other people want to know as they probably do too. It may also be useful for you to look at your chosen high school. You may want to speak to siblings or family members about your questions too.
** There will be a class post on Dojo and I would like you to post your questions on there.