To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practice your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
This half term we are going to be looking at alternative spellings. Today we are going to start with 'u' (Please introduce your child to the 5 vowels when teaching them this week- these are a,e,i,o,u)
Can you read and write these words?
unit stupid
union duty
unicorn humour
music tuba
Use these games to practice your 'u' sound today
Lesson 4- Introducing mass and weight
Watch the following video and complete the answer sheet.
Ask an adult to check your answers using the answer sheet.
Friday Challenges
World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June every year, and is the United Nations' principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. I'd like you to watch these videos to find out a little bit more about it.
You can also read this book either by yourself or with a parent. I have attached it as a pdf below.
Finally, you can then choose which tasks you would like to do. We all have our part to play in protecting the environment and there are many ways we can do this. We should ensure that we don't drop litter, try where possible to recycle and save water.
There are some sheets attached below. You do not need to do all of them, choose which interest you the most. If you choose to do the sheets attached below you don't need to print them, you can do your work on a separate sheet of paper.
Forces are pushes and pulls in a particular direction.
Watch this animation where Seymour Science and friends look at basic forces
Activity 1
Match up the forces
Drag and drop to match the images to the type of force they are showing.
Activity 2
Push, pull or twist?
Can you go around your house and find different objects that you can push, pull and twist. Why don't you record things that you could push,pull and twist or take some pictures so we can see what you have found.