To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practise your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
This half term we are going to be looking at alternative spellings. Today we are going to look at the 'ch' sound. Please go on to log on using
username: student18273
password: thomas
Please follow the step by step guide attached at the bottom of this page.
Please click on Sal's phonics- alternative spelling
Please watch the video and then complete the activity
This week we will be reading a story called Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship.
You can discuss your answers, write them on the sheet below or record your answers and send them in on class dojo.
Starter Activity- Counting to 100
Here is a 100 square.
You can use it to count from 1 to 100.
Let's use the 100 square to help us count.
If it's useful, you can trace your finger along each square as you count up.
- Can you use the 100 square to count from 27 to 35?
- Can you count from 62 to 76?
You can use the 100 square to count back, as well as count up.
- Can you count back from 44 to 38?
Now look at how the numbers are arranged.
Which number is between 34 and 36?
Which number is between 55 and 75?
Lesson 1- Making Arrays
Watch the following video and complete the questions using the answer sheet below.
Ask an adult to check your work using the answer sheet.
Today we are going to find out all about Antarctica, one of the coldest places in the world.Watch the videos and then complete the activities.
Activity 1
Drag and drop Antarctica
Do you remember what we saw in Antarctica?
Drag the things that Freya saw in Antarctica onto the picture in the game below.
Activity 2
Create a postcard
Pretend you have visited Antarctica! Write a postcard home explaining what it is like.