Welcome to Y6
This term we are busy preparing for our end of term production Aladdin Trouble.
Please let us know if there is anything you can help us with.
Children in Y6 are asked to record all of their homework in their home school diary. Children are given a week to complete their homework so if homework is set on a Monday it will be due in the following Monday.
Grammar and Punctuation homework is set every Monday.
Spellings are sent home every Tuesday.
Maths homework is set every Wednesday.
Learning Log homework is sent home every half term.
Mrs James, Mrs McQuilton-Morgan, Mrs Attique and Mr James.
Dates for your diary
7th June Eid assembly and party
17th June Swimming for 2 weeks
19th June Summer fete
25th June The Derby transition day
26th June Unsworth Academy transition day
27th June Sports Day
2nd July Broad Oak transition day
3rd July Parent drop-in
12th July Chill Factore trip
16th July Y6 production 1pm and 6pm
18th July Y6 Meal 4pm
19th July Leavers' assembly