30th April 2020
Today i would like you to get a pen/pencil or small stick and go either around your house or in the garden and tap different surfaces and see how many different sounds you can make. Which is your favourite sound?
In maths today see how quickly you can order your numbers. Then i would like you to get a container you can split into sections. I am going to use an egg carton. Then put a number in each section and go either in the garden or around the house and see if you can collect the correct number of objects and put them in your container.
Today i would like you to watch the story 'Dora's Eggs' below. How many different baby animals did you see? I now want you to have a go at making Dora's chicks. It's up to you how you make them but one idea is using a potato cut in half and make potato print chicks. See the picture below.