Monday 15th June
9:00am - 9:30am - Exercise time - Joe Wicks LIVE 9am - Kids Yoga - Go Noodle videos
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Summer term week 7 - Lesson 1 Find a rule - Video link access
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
The worksheets will no longer be posted on the website due to copyright reasons. The worksheet for today's lesson is on Class Dojo for you to complete.
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
11:00am - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Read 'Certainty' and watch it on Youtube
As a class, I think it is important to reflect on other people's experiences in lockdown. Some people have missed out on life changing situations and others have just missed normal life. Is there anything you have missed out on? Did you manage to complete this somehow? What are you looking forward to doing?
Your first activity today is to read the poem named 'Certainty'. You may want to do this a couple of times and see if you can guess what the poem is about.
You can then watch it being read by the creators. I would like you to reflect on:
- how the couple perform the poem
- what you like about the poem
- why you think Nationwide bank chose to feature this in their advert
- what did you like about the poem? - Link for the poem
Activity 2: Adverbs of possibility work
Today, your grammar focus is adverbs of possibility. Can you remember why we use an adverb? They can often relate to how likely or unlikely something is going to happen in the future. You may want to have a quick recap using the revision sheet below. Then, I would like you to attempt the activity below.
Activity 3: Have a go at creating your own 'In 6 months time' poem
I would like you to now think of your life in 6 months time and what you think you will be doing by then. Do you think we will be still like we are now? Are you hoping for some normality? I would like you to make a list of your possibilities and what you can be sure of.
I would like you to try and arrange your hopes and possibilities into a poem like the Nationwide advert. Can you have a go at performing your own?
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
On Sunday, it is the day we celebrate our dads and other important men in our lives. It is a day we show these special people how important they are to us and how much we appreciate them. I would like you to think of a way of showing this person in your life how special they are to you. This may be planning something you can do together or by making them something. Unfortunately, some of us may not be with our special person on Sunday, especially if they are grandparents. However, that does not stop us thinking about them and what we can give them when we see them.
As an example, last year for Father's day, I bought my dad all the ingredients for his favourite dessert and put them in a hamper. We spent the day making the dessert and when it was ready, we spent the rest of the day sat eating it. The ingredients weren't expensive but we enjoyed spending time together as we are normally so busy with work and other things.