To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practise your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
This half term we are going to be looking at alternative spellings. Today we are going to look at the 'ee' sound. Please go on to log on using
username: student18273
password: thomas
Please follow the step by step guide attached at the bottom of Monday's page.
Please click onto Sal's phonics- alternative spelling
Please watch the video and then complete the activity
Lesson 4- Comparing Numbers (2)
Watch the following video and answer the questions
Ask an adult to check your answers once you have completed your work.
To be able to identify the days of the week as proper nouns and use them in sentences.
This lesson includes:
- a video introducing you to the days of the week
- a video introducing you to common and proper nouns
- Activities to do at home
Days of the week
There are seven days in a week. Each day has a different name but they all end with 'day'.
When we write the days of the week, we always use a capital letter at the start of the word. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Watch the video below to find out more.
Help Marty find out about the days of the week.
Nouns and capital letters
Common nouns are the names of things. These don't use a capital letter unless they are at the start of a sentence.
Proper nouns are the names of a specific person, place or thing. These always start with a capital letter.
For example:
- The word girl is a common noun, so doesn't start with a capital (unless its at the start of a sentence).
- The name Jessica is a proper noun, because it is the name of a particular girl, so always starts with a capital letter.
We also use a capital letter at the start of a new sentence and when using the word I to talk about ourselves. For example: On Monday, I play my favourite game.
Watch the video below to find out more.
Find out more about common and proper nouns.
Activity 1: Let's use capital letters
As you have learnt, we use capital letters in a variety of ways.
They are used:
- at the beginning of a sentence,
- for proper nouns (names, places, countries, days of the week, nationalities, languages),
- when using I to talk about yourself.
Try writing one, two or more sentences that use capital letters for all three reasons above. Once you've finished, circle the capital letters and explain why they are capital letters.
Here is an example: On Monday, I went to the Trafford Centre with my brother Saif.
Thank you for all the brilliant work you have done about Sidney Spider and his friends. Now it’s
There are lots of other spidery baking recipes on the internet.
Perhaps you could try some others with a grown up.
Take great care measuring out your ingredients. I can’t wait to see pictures of any biscuits you have baked.