To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practise your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
This half term we are going to be looking at alternative spellings. Today we are going to look at the 'er' sound. Please go on to log on using
username: student18273
password: thomas
Please follow the step by step guide attached to the bottom of this page to find the phonics page
Please watch the video and then complete the activity.
Activity 3: Writing some more questions
Recap on what you have learnt over the last few days. Write six questions. Once you've written your questions you can ask people in your house to see if they know the answer.
- The questions can all be about anything. It might be something you've learnt recently or something you want to learn.
- Make sure you use capital letters and question marks.
- Try and start each question with a different word. Such as Who, What, When, Where, Why, Can, Could, If, Will and Should.
Complete the lesson on the White Rose hub website (see links below)
Summer Term week 6: Lesson 4 - Measure capacity
- Please watch the video to support your understanding.
- Try the sheet below.
- Check your work against the answers (attached below).
Either print and complete, write the answers on a separate sheet or discuss the answers with an adult.