Please find the link in weekly learning- phonics to find how to help your child. Follow how to start your phonics session by asking your child to read their phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.
To start of your phonics lesson today i want you to recap your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds. You can either read them using your sounds mats you were given in your pack or you could play the flashcard cars on phonics play
Today we would like you to look at the sound 'oy' like in toy and 'oi' like in coin.
Can you read and write these words
toy coin
annoy choice
destroy foil
employ soil
royal voice
Can you practice read some 'oy' and 'oi' by playing buried treasure.
Phonics- Year 2
Today we want you to carry on with your Suffixes work. Recap the videos from yesterday and complete the quiz
Then can you complete these. (find the link at the bottom of these page)
Lesson 5- Making Arrays
Watch the following video and answer the questions
Either print and complete, write the answers on a separate sheet or discuss the answers with an adult.
Activity 5: Punctuation Practice
This week you have practised how to use question marks correctly. You have also watched a video about 'The Magic Faraway Tree', written a postcard describing what the tree is like and drawn some characters from the story.
Now click on the highlighted words and you can learn about exclamation marks
With everything that is going on at the minute it can be hard to pick out the positives. Over the weekend and during today's topic time we want you to make a thankful jar. In the jar i want to write things that you what to say thank you to God for. These could be our families, our health or the NHS. You don't need to fill the jar today unless you have got lots of things to be thankful for. Add one thing you are thankful for every day- i know this is hard!