9th July 2020
Today i would like you to log onto 'Phonics Play' and click onto Phase 2. Next i would like you to play the 'Grab a Giggling Grapheme' game using the letters we have learnt so far.
I would like you to order your number cards 0-10 or 0-20. Next i would like you to find something you can use as counters e.g. raisins. Then with your family take it in turns to roll a dice and then collect that many counters from the group of counters. Then it is the next persons go. Keep going around until you have all had three or four goes. Then count up all the counters you have got. The person with the most counters is the winner.
Today for your activity i would like you to use a mirror and draw a self portrait of yourself. Remember to look at the colour of your eyes, hair. Don't forget to draw your ears, nose, mouth and neck. Please send me a photograph of your self portrait to the class dojo.