Thursday, 25th June
Hello everyone,
I hope you had a lovely day in the sun yesterday- it was very hot!
Here are today's tasks...
I would like you to go on the 'Daily 10'. This is where you receive 10 questions and you need to write the answer down for each as it comes up. Today I would like you to click on:
-Level 2
-Doubles (Do up to 10 and then up to 20)
-Choose your time (how quickly each new question comes up. The shorter the time the quicker the questions will come. Maybe start at 10 seconds and if that is easy reduce to 7 then 5, 3 etc.)
Main session
Today we will finish our money focus by completing the White Rose Hub end of block review. These questions are all based on money and cover all the learning we have done over the last week. Read the questions carefully. Complete the sheet attached below and check your work against the answers.
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
Today's challenge is previous SAT paper questions based on money.
We have now completed out work on Africa and will start a new focus next week.
It was National Writing Day yesterday and there was a challenge- lets see if we can rise to it Year 2 with our brilliant imaginations!
You are going to take part in a 24/7 challenge.
There are just three rules:
1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.
2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.
3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!
It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!
Top tip!
The most important thing is to have fun! This is about trying something new and enjoying writing creatively. Don’t worry if you make mistakes, just have a go!
Click on this link to watch some videos and get some hints and tips on how to write your 24/7 story.
Good luck!
Art OR Science
We will complete our work on Africa by creating a sunset picture.
Attached below is a sheet explaining how to make one. I have also attached silhouettes so you could print 1 or 2 pages to cut out and stick on or use it to help you make some yourself.
You can learn about sound with Seymour Science.
Watch the videos and complete the activities.