This term in Nursery we are going to be doing the topic of bears. Looking at all different bear stories and using them to do our literacy and numeracy activities along with creative projects.
So there is lots going on in our Nursery this term so please keep up to date by checking on our class page.
Special Visitors
Miss Birks brought some special visitors in for us to see. MIss Birks has hatched some ducklings out at home and she brought them in for us to see. Look at our photos below. They are so cute!
Teddy Bears Picnic
On Wednesday 17th July 2013 to end our topic of bears the children went on their own teddy bears picnic. We made cheese salad sandwiches and jam sandwiches. We ate crisps and party cakes and we even had ice pops. We sat with our teddies in the shade under the trees in the park to eat our picnic and then had a play in the park. It was great fun! Look at our photographs down below.