Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Autumn 2
Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. This term is going to be very busy and we have lots of fun activities planned for you all to enjoy during the next 8 weeks on the run up to Christmas.
We will be continuing with our questions ‘Where are we going and who are we going to meet?' throughout every unit of work. We will be travelling around the world and meeting many significant individuals and looking at many different places around the world.
All of our Autumn 2 learning is listed below. We will be posting lots of photographs and documents to aid learning on the school website and on Parent Hub to keep you updated of all of the fun things we get up to. If you have any questions do not hesitate to speak to us before or after school on the door.
This half term the children in year 6 will be starting the topic of fractions. During this topic, the children will be simplifying and comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and dividing and multiplying fractions.
This will lead us onto our next topic of decimals. During this chapter, the children will be writing and reading decimals, dividing whole numbers and writing fractions as decimals. We will also be multiplying and dividing decimals.
Our topic after that will be measurements. We are hoping to finish Book 6A before the Christmas holidays.
In English we will be reading the book, Can We Save The Tiger by Martin Jenkins. During this topic, the children will be writing a letter, making a persuasive poster, writing and presenting a speech, writing a poem and our final piece of writing will be a discussion text.
The children will be mainly covering the grammar objectives for their year group but will cover some objectives across previous years to recap and reinforce their learning. Every English lesson begins with a daily SPaG starter. These are carefully designed to help pupils retrieve prior knowledge, correct errors and apply specific skills, which in turn, will support them with their independent writing.
The children will take part in 5 guided reading sessions every week which will focus on reading comprehension by using a range of questioning techniques to develop their skills. The children will also be given the opportunity to read independently or with a member of staff daily to develop their fluency.
In Science, our topic is evolution and inheritance. During this topic the children will be learning that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
They will also be able to recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
Finally, they will be able to identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
In Geography the children will be learning all about Oceania. During this topic, the children will be locating Oceania on a range of maps and comparing it to where we live. They will also be looking at what countries make up Oceania, how the people of Oceania live and what resources come from there.
In DT the children will be taking part in a topic all about playgrounds. They will be designing and playground and making their own equipment using structures and junk materials.
In RE we will be answering the question What matters most to Humanists and to Christians? During this topic we will be looking at the ways in which Christians and humanists live their lives and what values they find important. They will look at the importance of ‘good and bad’ behaviours and why it is important to be truthful. The children will also be looking at the values on non-believers and discussing which choices we can make which will impact our lives for the better.
Life Education
This half term we will be learning all about our health and wellbeing. During this topic the children will be learning all about diet, oral hygiene, physical activity and the facts around immunisation. They will explore rest and relaxation and how they affect physical and mental health. They will also be developing strategies for being resilient in challenging situations and planning for long-term goals.
Rights Respecting Schools
This half term the children will be focusing on the following article.
Article 21
Article 21 of the UNCRC says that when a child or young person is adopted or living in foster care, their best interests should come first. People should listen to what a child or young person wants and should take this into account when making decisions about where they live.
During RRS lessons the children will be discussing the articles, linking them to subject topics and voicing their opinions.
Our French topic for this half term is French Football Champions. During this topic, the children will be learning football related vocabulary.
We will be continuing to learn how to play the ukulele.
Our P.E topic for this term is ball skills-netball.
The children can come into school wearing their PE kit on the day they do PE, which for 6A is on Tuesday and 6B on Monday The children are required to wear-
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Black pumps or trainers
Children will be given homework weekly to support the teaching that we have been doing in school. This will be mainly in the form of the Sat Booster Booklets. This homework will mainly focus on developing Maths and English skills. The children can complete this work independently or with the support of parents.
It is also extremely important that as part of their homework, your child completes the below for at least 10 minutes every day-
Playing TTRS
Plays games on Spelling Shed
Please see below for more information.
Reading Books
Reading books will be changed as often as the children need to. We use accelerated reading as a tool to give the children personalised goals to work towards each half term. The children are given a specific level of books to read and once they have finished reading they take a quiz to assess their understanding. Reading quizzes monitor comprehension, while literacy skills and vocabulary quizzes extend student learning.
It is important that your child reads every evening for at least 10 minutes with the help of an adult or older sibling and 10 minutes independently.
The children will have individual logins for Times Tables Rock Stars. They can access the app at home on a laptop or iPad. Please encourage your child to access the website at home for at least 10 minutes a day as this will give them much needed practice of the Times Tables they are unsure of.
Please cut and paste the link into Google to access the TTRS website
Children will be given a spelling list every Tuesday. Please ensure your child practices these as they will be tested on these spellings the following Tuesday. To support them further, encourage your child to access the Spelling Shed website for at least 10 minutes a day. This gives the children a variety of learning games to maintain engagement. Students are able to play live games with each other, challenge others to games, earn rewards, monitor their own progress, and even check their ranking with others across the world.
Please cut and paste the link into Google to access the Ed Shed website
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us in the morning or at the end of the school day.
Mrs Thomas and Miss Shah