An Introduction to Roch Valley Church of England Multi Academy Trust
Our multi academy trust offers the opportunity for schools to shape academic excellence by working together. The pooling of resources across schools can lead to offering exceptional learning experiences, providing excellence in teaching and learning so children can flourish and achieve excellent academic outcomes across the curriculum and provide an excellent foundation for their future. Through improving the aspiration, the education and the development of the children in our schools we are working to improve all our communities.
All of our schools run as independent organisations under the umbrella of Roch Valley CE Multi Academy Trust. We invest in our leaders, our staff and our communities because this we feel is the only way to get strong, secure and stable improvements to our schools. Each school serves a unique community and it is our job to add value to what that school does and not to dictate each individual aspect of the schools work.
Benefits to the MAT
- Schools to develop together in collaboration to share practice and achieve excellence
- Provide professional development and leadership opportunities for staff (tailored support / progress programme )
- strong strategic guidance
- promote consistency / good practice through policy and procedure
- strong sustainable support for ‘sponsored schools.’
- stability and protection in a fast-changing educational landscape
- Economies of scale and cost savings for a range of services
- Develop a strong school improvement and accountability strategy
- Provide strong governance with a varied skill base.
- Collective responsibility
- Network of advice and support
Ethos Statement and Rationale.
Our ethos, firmly embedded on the rock of our core Christian values, is one of sustainable school improvement set within the Church of England vision for education. Our distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leaders at all levels, is intended to enable pupils and adults to flourish as we promote excellence and equity for all in a Christian context.
Schools within the trust, working in partnership and accountable to the trustees, will provide high quality teaching and learning across and inspiring and challenging curriculum. This will enable pupils to achieve excellent academic outcomes, grow in confidence and character and be provided with a secure foundation for their future.
In promoting excellence we also seek to develop our staff. We intend to grow and nurture their talent and so build capacity for school improvement that has a sustained impact on the development, progress and outcomes of all pupils.
Our moral purpose is to value and meet the needs of all within our trust community. We want them to have opportunities that ensure their aspirations are achievable, that they experience life in all its fullness and that they are able to flourish as the people God would want them to be.
The Aims of the Trust.
To preserve and enrich our Church of England foundation, identity and ethos and promote the Church of England Vision for Education.
To provide a constant focus on improvement and empower each of our academies to provide a high quality educational experience for all our pupils to improve their achievement and outcomes.
To promote high expectations and provide teaching and learning of the highest quality to develop and maintain high performing academies which fulfil every family’s entitlement to a first class education.
To ensure inclusive practice across the trust that values diversity, embraces difference and provides an environment within which all can flourish and achieve irrespective of background or ability.
To foster the unique identity and strengths of each partner academy as well as enabling them to make a distinctive contribution to the multi-academy trust.
To create a vibrant professional learning community which develops the talents and effectiveness of all staff and promotes resilience, partnership and innovation in teaching and learning.
To model excellent leadership, governance and professional and business practice within our agreed frameworks to enhance our academies’ abilities to achieve high standards and serve their communities effectively.
The board of our MAT is based on a Voluntary Aided model. This means that the majority of Members and Trustees are appointed through the Diocese of Manchester.
However we are mindful that voluntary controlled and community schools may wish to join our Trust in the future. This will mean:
Voluntary Controlled: the LGB will have a minority of governors appointed through the Diocese to ensure that the characteristics of the VC school are preserved in the areas of staffing, teaching of RE and provision of collective worship
Community: the LGB will preserve the non-religious designation of the school
To find out more about or if you are thinking of joining us please get in touch.